Preservation cannot be made on the open sun.
Purely washed up and dried up varnish covering needs to be processed every 3 month the preserving means to protect a car surface from the atmospheres of ny influences by creation of a pore-free water-repellent wax layer. At once to remove the flowed-out fuel, oil or greasing, and also brake fluid, differently color of a varnish covering will change.
Processing of a surface needs to be repeated if water does not gather in drops, and spreads on a surface. Regular processing by the preserving means promotes long preservation of gloss of a varnish covering.
There is also other possibility of protection of varnish coverings – by means of the washing preservatives. However washing konservan you provide reliable protection of varnish coverings only in case are used at each wash of the car and at least, than in 2–3 weeks.
After use of the washing (foam-forming) means additional processing of a surface by preservatives especially is recommended. |